After retiring from the San Jose Fire Department as a Fire Captain with over 35 years experience in the Fire Service, I decided that the City of San Jose was not able to provide adequate Police or Fire Services to its citizens, especially for Almaden Valley where I have lived since 1974. I met 2 other neighbors and we decided to start our own Radio Repeater group to address the problems we felt were issues here in Almaden. This is why we founded Almaden Valley Public Safety Net (AVPSN).
AVPSN has a private F.C.C. license and Non profit 501(c)3 status. We use the NextDoor App to solicit new members. AVPSN has Firefighters, Police Officers, Nurses, Dispatchers, Businessmen, Professionals, Ham Radio Operators, and Retirees as part of our radio network. Emphasis is on public safety but with the unique selection of our members, opinions and help is always just a radio call away. AVPSN monitors the radio channel 24/7 with many members eager to help each other. Everyone has learned so much from our diverse group. As we continue to grow, so will our uniqueness and neighbors helping neighbors mentality. I am truly proud to be a part of this organization.
Sincerely yours,
August 2018